Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Resin Roses

The latest thing I have been completely obsessed with is resin. My head to overflowing with ideas. I've been doing it for about 3 months now.

I will include more details on this in a later post, but for now I want to tell you about resin rainbow roses. While browsing though YouTube I found this interesting resin pour to try: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noepJdsHts8

I had to try this, so here goes...

First Attempt:

So my first attempt with the roses failed because of bubbles, but they looks pretty and colourful, and rainbowy.

What a messy process with all the colours. I used an existing rose mold I had made. I put the left over rainbow resin in the pendant molds.

The rainbow pendants came out very nice too.

Not sure if it’s photographing well. 

Messy but fun.

Making new Moulds:

I didn’t like or have any decent rose mounds.

So I popped into the Beads for Africa in Montague Gardens and scratches out some roses bead and other things to mold.

The new attempted at rainbow roses in my new mound. Not bad.

But now everywhere I go I’m on the lookout for better mound-able roses (and everything else).

Making another new Mould:

Then when unpacking my bead stash, and having roses on my mind, I realized I had some very old roses from The Bed Shop on Long street (May it Rest In Peace).

And some rose stickers from China Town in Milnerton. These are totally mound-able

And so I did.

Making more Roses:

No more rainbows now just flowers. Some are still getting bubbles.

I used all my rose/flower moulds. I even did tiny little black glitter roses.

The bronze roses are full of bubble, but I was thinking it looks like they rusted (idea: rusty roses for steampunk).

These are the tiny roses. I got the original from a Planet Nails in Table View.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Starting the ride

So, I'm still new at the blogging part, and I haven't writing any crafty things since my first blog a long long time ago.

However after discussion with some friends I am finally going to make a go at this, so here goes.

I will hopeful be writing about the projects I am currently working on, and how to turns out. I will also be covering old projects from over the years.

I hope you enjoy the ride ;)

I have also created

Here you can see what I've made and help me make more cool and interesting things. I like to learn new skills all the time, so lets see what we can make :)